• contact@aiih.cc
  • Jesus College, University of Cambridge, UK

AIiH 2024 Overview

In September 2024, we welcomed delegates from 20 different countries to attend this inaugural edition of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (AIiH 2024), which was hosted in the beautiful city of Swansea. The conference venue is the state-of-the-art Computational Foundry located at the Bay Campus of Swansea University, right next to the sandy Swansea Bay. 

The papers submitted to AIiH 2024 were thoroughly reviewed by up to four referees per paper and 47 papers were selected as full papers for the Springer LNCS proceedings from 79 submissions. A total of 25 papers were accepted for oral presentation at the conference. Contributing authors were from 17 countries, which reflected the international nature of the conference. The best paper and best poster prizes were selected and awarded at the conference. AIiH 2024 also offered 5 bursaries to students in order to encourage wider participation, particularly where financial support was needed.

The conference programme can be found here, and the details of the AIiH 2024 proceedings are available here

AIiH 2024 were fortunate to have 9 distinguished scholars as invited speakers. Dr. Amir Atapour-Abarghouei from University of Durham delivered the conference tutorial on Deep Generative Neural Networks. The 5 keynotes were given by Prof. Hao Ni from University College London, Dr. Timothy Rittman from Cambridge University, Dr. Konstantinos Kamnitsas from Oxford University, Prof. Jacques Fleuriot from Edin-burgh University, and Prof. Eiichiro Tanaka from Waseda University. AIiH 2024 also featured a 3-speaker Panel Session on Translating AI Research into Practice by Dr. Alba Di Pardo from IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed, Dr. Noura Al Moubayed from Durham University & Evergreen Life, and Dr. Mark Penney from AstraZeneca.

The conference banquet was hosted in the Brangwyn Hall, which is a concert venue at Swansea. It is named after the artist Frank Brangwyn, whose famous panels, originally intended for the House of Lords, are displayed there.

Keynote Speakers


Hao Ni
University College London


Timothy Rittman
Cambridge University


Konstantinos Kamnitsas
Oxford University


Jacques Fleuriot
Edinburgh University


Eiichiro Tanaka
Waseda University, Japan

Plenary Panel Session: Translating AI Research into Practice

Alba Di Pardo

Noura Al Moubayed

Mark Penney

Tutorial: Deep Generative Neural Networks


Amir Atapour-Abarghouei
University of Durham

Gold Sponsors:

Silver Sponsor:

Bronze Sponsors:

Young Researcher Sponsor:

Best Paper Award Sponsor: