• contact@aiih.cc
  • Jesus College, University of Cambridge, UK

Special Session: AI for Maternity and Women’s Health and Wellbeing

This special session aims to explore the increasing role of AI in addressing the unique challenges of women’s healthcare including maternal health and wellbeing. A variety of social, physical, and emotional needs, along with specific medical factors and circumstances can influence women’s health.

The advances in AI present a promising opportunity to revolutionise healthcare, offering new ways to improve services and enhance health outcomes for women. By combining clinical data with personal factors such as ethnicity, disability, socioeconomic background, and medical history, AI and machine learning models can help to improve diagnosis, treatment, and patient outcomes as well as optimise clinical decision-making.

The session will bring together researchers, clinicians, and industry experts to discuss the use of AI in maternity care and women’s health and wellbeing to address the critical needs of women across different life stages and reduce disparities among different communities. It will contribute significantly to advancing the field of AI in maternity and women’s healthcare and ultimately improving the health and wellbeing of women worldwide.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• AI-driven diagnosis, prediction and prevention for maternity and women’s health and wellbeing
• Medical image analysis and processing with AI in maternity and women’s health and wellbeing
• AI-driven personalised care for women
• Patient-centred AI for maternity and women’s healthcare
• Human-AI interactions and conversational user interfaces (CUIs) for women
• Human-centred AI and explainable AI for maternity and women’s health and wellbeing
• Optimisation and automation in maternity services and women’s healthcare
• Addressing healthcare disparities and inequalities through AI-driven solutions
• Improving maternity services with AI for both mothers and babies
• AI-aided assistive technologies for women
• Remote monitoring and telemedicine for women’s health and wellbeing
• Monitoring perinatal and postnatal mental health using AI tools
• Ethical and societal implications of AI in maternity and women’s health and wellbeing


• Dr Deniz Cetinkaya, Department of Computing and Informatics, Bournemouth University, UK, dcetinkaya@bournemouth.ac.uk
• Prof Huseyin Dogan, Department of Computing and Informatics, Bournemouth University, UK, hdogan@bournemouth.ac.uk
• Prof Alessandro Di Nuovo, School of Computing and Digital Technologies, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Submission format:

This Special Session welcomes both full length papers (12 pages plus up to 2 pages of references) and abstracts (up to 5 pages including references). Click here for detailed submission guidelines and templates.


All deadlines, including submission deadline and review timeline are the same as the main conference. Please follow this link to see all the Important Dates.

If you have any questions regarding this Special Session, please contact the organiser.

Click here to submit your papers on CMT.