Call for Special Sessions
AIiH 2025 invites proposals for special sessions. A special session is designed to delve into a specific research theme or showcase innovative applications. Each special session will be featuring a minimum of five presentations.
Special session chairs will receive one free full registration (one for each session). Papers submitted to special sessions are reviewed in the same way as submission to the conference main sessions. Presenting speakers are required to register at the conference. Special session full papers will be included in the conference proceedings, published by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, and short abstracts will be archived online with DOIs. Oral presentation with abstract submission is possible if it is highly recommended by the organisers.
Procedure for Submitting Special Session Proposals
Each proposal should include:
- Session title. The title will be published in the conference programme.
- Abstract (250 words). The abstract will be published in the conference program.
- Name and affiliation of the special session organisers.
- Name and affiliation of invited speakers who will contribute to the special session. Please note that the invited speakers will need to submit their papers ( Papers submitted for special sessions undergo the same review process as open submissions and will be included in the conference proceeding.
- You can propose an open special session, which allows other delegates to submit their papers to the proposed session.
Please email your proposal to by the deadline of January 24th, 2025.
The conference committee will assess special session proposals based on the quality of the proposal and the broad appeal of the topic.