Authors of accepted Full Papers should follow the instructions below in preparing the camera ready version to be submitted on CMT.

The submission of the final version of the accepted Full Paper on CMT must include the following:

  • Camera Ready Version in PDF
  • Source files (zipped LaTeX source files or Word document)
  • Signed license-to-publish form (PDF format, Word format)

CRP formatting – The following temples can be used to prepare to produce the final version of your full papers (page limit is 12 pages of content plus up to 2 pages of references):

Source files – We need all source files (LaTeX files with all the associated style files, special fonts and eps files, or Word files). For papers prepared using LaTeX, authors should supply the bbl files to avoid the omission of data during conversion from bib to bbl. Please note that we cannot include hyperlinks in references.

Source files in LaTeX should be submitted as a single Zip file.

Corresponding author – When submitting paper, the authors should allot a corresponding author, who must be available to carry out a proof check of the paper. They are given a 72-hour time-slot to do so. The corresponding author should be clearly marked as such in the header of the paper. They are also the one who sign the license-to-publish form on behalf of all of the authors. Please note that the corresponding author cannot be changed once the paper and the license-to-publish form have been sent to Springer.