Artificial intelligence (AI) promises to revolutionise medicine and healthcare. However, despite advances being made in improving clinical diagnosis and informing decision-making, its transformative potential impact has not been fully realised. This special session focuses on the application of cutting-edge AI techniques to add new knowledge on those factors that determine the onset and severity of clinical disease. What needs to be done to overcome obstacles arising from unpredictable behaviour of complex biological systems in disease (e.g., heterogeneous tissue architectures; intricate networks of multicellular coupling; acute and chronic deterioration of intra-organ regulation)? We aim to explore and showcase innovative applications where AI is optimised to advance our understanding of disease-linked processes, by augmenting the analytical power of diagnostic data (e.g., ultrasound, computer tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We seek submissions from those studies that have analysed images and video streams, various forms of signals, etc. related (but not limited) to cardiovascular science y and other fields where the integration of emerging AI methodologies has immense potential to transform the way we approach clinical decision making. We encourage researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts in the fields of AI and health sciences to contribute to this Special Session, exchange knowledge, build collaborations and inspire the development of novel AI applications for patient benefit.


Fabio Caraffini (, Swansea University, UK
Dr Hassan Eshkiki (, Swansea University, UK
Mrs Solmaz Safari (, Swansea University, UK
Prof Christopher George (, Swansea University, UK

Submission format:

This special session welcomes both full length papers (12 pages plus up to 2 pages of references) and abstracts (up to 3 pages including references).

Deadline: All deadlines, including submission deadline and review timeline are the same as the main conference. Please follow this link to see all the Important Dates.

If you have any questions regarding this Special Session, please contact the organiser.

Click here to submit your papers on CMT.