In recent years, the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and healthcare has shown immense promise in transforming patient outcomes, diagnosis, and treatment. However, the ethical implications of deploying AI in healthcare, particularly when dealing with sensitive patient data, requires careful consideration. The Dementias Platform UK Data Portal provides a global repository of multi-modal cohort data to facilitate healthcare research and the development of AI models within a secure Trusted Research Environment (TRE). Due to the sensitive nature of patient data, we need to ensure that any AI model trained on our data, and released from our environment, remains safe and secure. This has led us to develop a framework for training AI models on sensitive healthcare data. This open special session will explore protecting patient privacy, developing transparent and explainable solutions, mitigating algorithmic bias, and ensuring the ethical use of AI.


Lewis Hotchkiss, Swansea University, Dementias Platform UK,
Emma Squires, Swansea University, Dementias Platform UK

Submission format:

This special session welcomes both full length papers (12 pages plus up to 2 pages of references) and abstracts (up to 3 pages including references).

Deadline: All deadlines, including submission deadline and review timeline are the same as the main conference. Please follow this link to see all the Important Dates.

If you have any questions regarding this Special Session, please contact the organiser.

Click here to submit your papers on CMT.